I had the chance a few days ago to use some of my latest goodies from Telescopes.ca in an interactive astronomy session I did at the 2011 Latornell conservation symposium Nov 16.
The astronomy event was attended by a total of approximately 80-100 people as part of a slate of evening activities at the symposium, which regularly attracts more than 1,000 delegates from conservation authorities from around Ontario and Canada.
After giving a talk on the water beyond Earth, we went outside and used Canon 15×50 Image Stabilizer binoculars, a Sky Watcher Heritage P130 reflecting telescope, an Sky Watcher Black Diamond 80 mm refracting scope, and a 318 mm (12.5 inch) Sky Watcher reflector.
My presentation was called “WATER: Beyond the Earth, Among the Stars” which looked at sources of H2O on Mars, our Moon, comets and the moons of Saturn and Jupiter.
Afterwards, what was predicted to be a very cloudy night cleared up, we got a chance to look at LIVE views of Jupiter’s water-bearing moons Callisto and Europa, which I’d talked about earlier.
The Latornell conservation symposium is held each year at Alliston, Ontario’s Nottawasaga Inn, voted Ontario’s #1 family golf resort and is the largest event of its kind for conservation authorities.