Dark sky preserves clickable map

After hours of research, two office potlucks, a false start, generous fact-checking, and a cross-country collaboration, here is the first and only up-to-date list AND map of every dark sky preserve in North America for your stargazing pleasure. (What is a dark sky preserve?)

Want some ideas on what you can do at these dark sky preserves? Try the Parks Canada guide to Wilderness Astronomy.

(Click on a dark sky preserve [green] below to go to its site, click on a city [yellow] to go to its main astronomy club)


mont megantic international dark sky preserve rasc ottawa rasc montreal rasc quebec city cherry springs dark sky preserve kejimkujik dark sky preserve rasc st john nb rasc halifax kouchibouguac dark sky preserve rasc winnipeg rasc montreal rasc halifax rasc st john rasc toronto rasc ottawa rasc quebec city rasc montreal rasc montreal rasc quebec city rasc thunder bay rasc winnipeg rasc saskatoon mt carleton dark sky preserve rasc edmonton rasc calgary rasc vancouver mcdonald dark sky park bc elk island beaver hills dark sky preserve cypress hills dark sky preserve saskatchewan grasslands dark sky preserve bruce peninsula fathom five dark sky preserve gordon's park dark sky preserve torrance barrens dark sky preserve mt carleton dark sky preserve kejimkujik dark sky preserve cerry springs dark sky preserve lake hudson dark sky preserve potowatomi wildlife dark sky preserve point pelee dark sky preserve natural bridges monument dark sky preserve

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